Advanced Diploma Primary Interview Schedule for Shortlisted Applicants


Please find herewith this notice, the interview schedule for short-listed applicants in the Advanced Diploma Primary program.

Date Region Location
18th January 2021 Region 3 Regional Office in Kerewan
19th January 2021 Region 5 Regional Office in Janjangbureh
20th January 2021 Region 6 Regional Office in Basse
21st January 2021 Region 4 Regional Office Mansakonko
22nd January 2021 Region 2 Regional Office in Brikama
23rd January 2021 Region 1 Regional Office in Kanifing

Note: SMS messages are sent incrementally. So if you don’t received it, please stay calm, you surely will get it before the interview date stated above.

Thank you

Mr. Demba S.M Yabou


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